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Me, myself and my countryside alter-ego -

editorial illustration 

Who I am and who I'd choose to be if I l

Responding to an article written by Rita Leite, this illustration explores the thoughts of a 22 year old girl who is trying to define herself. 

The published article and illustration can be viewed here:

September 2019

Flowers of English Gardens - Children's Illustrations 

Creating an environment in which the flowers of English Gardens can be explored, this installation and accompanying concertina book teaches children about a collection of 5 species of flowers that they may find in their own gardens and local parks. With textual narratives providing historical context and floral folklore, these pieces are both educational and visually exciting. The addition of featured lighting focused at the laser cut flowers creates a dimension of shadow projection and helps to bring the English flowers to life.


The shadow photography book showcases the range of beautiful shadows that can be created when light is simply reflected onto the laser cut flower designs. Combined with the mini flower stories, an English floral journey can be taken both physically and through reading. Take the time to enjoy journeying through this imaginative English garden and appreciating nature at its most intricate form.  

April 2019 

Coping with Grief 

A response to the Creative Conscience Awards exploring the chosen brief of mental health. Based on personal experiences with grief, I created a collection of books aimed at young adults to help them to relieve the emotions experienced through the grieving process. 


My final outcomes consist of a series of 14 flag books that explore the emotional stages of grief and bereavement through nature. 

December 2018

Loss of Balance 

A collection of digital graphics that explore the theme of loss of balance. These works showcase a variety of Polish landscapes in an abstracted and contrasting way. 

Completed as part of a Study Abroad placement at Academy of Fine Arts, Katowice, Poland

June 2018 

A Reportage on Corfu

A summer project based around the themes of Documentary and Reportage. My final outcome consists of a collection of visual recordings from a holiday to Corfu, presented on a fishing net. 

September 2017

The Beach Huts at Seaton



A commissioned painting based on an observation of a seaside scene. Using acrylic paint and markers on wood, this painting represents a series of beach huts along the Seaton esplanade. 

July 2017

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